. Khadija (pronounced ka-DI-ja) bint Khuwailid Sahih Muslim vol.4:5971 (p.1297) died three years before 'A'isha married Mohammed. She is mentioned in Bukhari vol.5:164,165 (p.103); vol.5:168 p.105
(too old to reply)
2006-01-09 08:12:30 UTC
. Khadija (pronounced ka-DI-ja) bint Khuwailid Sahih Muslim vol.4:5971
(p.1297) died three years before 'A'isha married Mohammed. She is mentioned
in Bukhari vol.5:164,165 (p.103); vol.5:168 p.105

The full name of Mohammed's first wife was Khadijah, daughter of Khuwaylid
bin Asad bin. 'Abd al-'Uzza bin Qusayy. al-Tabari vol.39 p.3

'Aisha says that Khadija took Mohammed to a Christian convert who used to
read the Gospels in Arabic. Bukhari vol.4:605 p.395

A'isha was jealous of Khadija. "On that, the Prophet remembered the way
Khadija used to ask permission, and that upset him. He said, 'O Allah! Hala!'
So I [A'isha] became jealous and said, 'What makes you remember an old woman
amongst the old women of Quraish an old woman (with a teethless mouth) of
red gums who died long ago, and in whose place Allah has given you somebody
better than her?'" Bukhari vol.5:168 p.105

2. Sauda bint Zam'a Sahih Muslim vol.2:3451 (p.747) Bukhari vol.3:269
(p.154) vol.3:853 (p.29) Sahih Muslim vol.2:2958 (p.651) Sauda bint Zam'a.
Sahih Muslim vol.2 footnote 1918 p.748 says that probably 'Aisha was married
to Mohammed before her, but 'Aisha did not enter Mohammed's house until
after Sauda was married to Mohammed.

Sauda's ex-husband, al-Sakran b. 'Amr b. 'Abd Shams became a Christian in
Abyssinia and died there. al-Tabari vol.9 p.128

Physically, 'Aisha called Sauda "a fat huge lady". Bukhari vol.6:318 p.300

When Sauda was old she was afraid Mohammed would divorce her, so she gave
her turn to 'A'isha. Abu Dawud vol.2:2130 p.572

She is also mentioned in al-Tabari vol.39 p.169.

3. 'A'isha was Abu Bakr's daughter. She married Mohammed when she was (six)
6 years old, went to his house when (nine) 9. Bukhari vol.7:88 p.65; Sahih
Muslim vol.2:3309,3310,3311 (p.715,716)

Contrary to this marriage being important for political reasons, Abu Bakr
was the first convert to Islam.

This wife of Mohammed is mentioned in many places, including Sahih Muslim
vol.1:1694 (p.372); Abu Dawud vol.1:1176 p.305; vol.1:1268 p.335; vol.1:1330
p.350; Abu Dawud vol.1:1336 p.351; vol.1:1419 p.373; vol.2:2382 p.654.

'Aisha played with dolls while Mohammed was present. Sahih Muslim vol.4:5981

'Aisha was 6 (or 7) years old when she was married, and the marriage was
consummated when she was nine years old. al-Tabari vol.9 p.130,131

A'isha was married when she was six years old, and nine when she went to
Mohammed's house. Ibn-i-Majah vol.3:1876 p.133

A'isha was seven years old when she married, nine years old when she lived
with Mohammed, and 18 years old when he died. (not Sahih) Ibn-i-Majah
vol.3:1877 p.134

A rationale trying to explain why Mohammed married such a young girl is
given in Sahih Muslim vol.2 footnote 1859 p.715. It says that "it was some
exceptional circumstances that Hadrat 'A'isha was married to the Prophet.
The second point to be noted is that Islam has laid down no age limit for
puberty for it varies with countries and races due to the climate,
hereditary, physical and social conditions." They also mention support from
the disreputable Kinsey report on Sexual Behaviour in the Human Female.

Mohammed himself once deliberately struck 'Aisha "on the chest which caused
me pain", according to Sahih Muslim vol.2:2127.

There was other discord too. One incident, started by A'isha was so bad,
Mohammed kept away from his wives for a month 29 days) Ibn-i-Majah
vol.3:2060 p.241. Ibn-i-Majah vol.3:2063 p.243. This is the context of Sura
2006-01-10 05:17:50 UTC
Any confirmation that Muhammad maintained faithful monogamy with
KHADIJA for 25 years and then married at least once a year on an
average after her death for his remaining 11 years life? If confirmed,
it would pay to learn more about this wholesome woman.
2006-01-11 04:19:47 UTC
Is there any historical document on the well-respected Khadija, the
first wife of Islamic prophet Muhammad?
