Michael W. 'Pogue' Cook -- Vicious Anti-Semite.
"Zionism is as evil as Nazism."
Michael W. Cook -- 22 November 2004
He Equates Israelis & Nazis -- And Wants Israel To "COMMIT SUICIDE."
| The sooner Israel commits suicide the better, for the whole of
| mankind.
Michael W. Cook
See below for more stupid, ignorant, unreasoning hatred against Israeli
Jews -- by Pogue Cook.
'Nuff Said....
Lux et Veritas et Libertas
Vires et Honor
From: "Michael W Cook" <***@hotmail.com>
Sent: Monday, November 22, 2004 8:49 PM
Subject: Re: _Don't Mock Bush, Work With Him, Blair Tells Europe_
| On 22/11/04 12:22 pm, in article
| "Peter Skelton" <***@cogeco.ca> wrote:
| > On Mon, 22 Nov 2004 11:01:15 +0000 (UTC), Michael W Cook
| > <***@hotmail.com> wrote:
| >>>>
| >>>> I'm an anti-Zionist, who believes that giving the Jews a homeland
| >>>> Palestine was a very stupid idea that the world has been paying a
| >>>> heavy
| >>>> price for ever since.
| >>>
| >>> It's a done deed. Legally wrapped up and signed by the wonderful
| >>> UN...denying reality is a pretty clear evidence of delusional
| >>> patterns.
| >>
| >> I don't deny Israel's existence, I just don't agree with it, and
simply by
| >> being there legally doesn't make it right. Or perhaps that's your
| >> world again, believing that the existence of Zionism and the State
of Israel
| >> is a force of good in the world - you've been duped, it isn't.
| >>
| >> Zionism is as evil as Nazism.
| >>
| > Please tell us where the murder camps are.
| None as such, but there are parallels.
| Firstly we have Deir Yassin and the many Palestinian villages
| cleared before, during and after the formation of the Zionist State.
| Then there's the most memorable crimes at Sabra and Shatilla, where
| current Israeli Prime Minister was found personally responsible for
| wholesale slaughter of hundreds of innocent women and children.
| However, the Israeli equivalent of the murder camps are every
| refugee camp, where they regularly drive through battle tanks
| everything in their way, including Palestinians still in their houses.
| But don't take my word for it, take a look at Amnesty International's
| site, there's plenty on their to keep you busy detailing the
| tactics used by the Zionists to secure and justify their illegal
| > You've gone a bit over the top.
| No I haven't at all, the Israelis are like the Nazis in several ways:
| They invaded a sovereign state.
| Regularly hold people without trial.
| Carry out assassinations on 'suspects' without ever offering any
evidence of
| their guilt, let alone make an attempt to arrest them.
| Use 'Collective Punishment' against an innocent civilian population.
| Build a 'Warsaw Ghetto' style wall to fence the people in.
| Have roads for use by 'Jews Only'.
| Have a selective immigration policy.
| They have also had a policy for years of clearing Palestinian land to
| way for illegal settlements, or for the so-called 'security' of these
| illegal settlements.
| The oppressed people have become the oppressors, and in many ways they
| mirror the Nazis with their extreme actions and crimes against