Rolling Thunder
(too old to reply)
James Briggs
2004-09-22 09:10:46 UTC
Rolling Thunder

If there are to be elections in Iraq the US is going to have to take back
the cities that the liberal panty waist Bush gave back to our enemies. Now
we all know that the morons running the war are going to send lots of
American boys to their deaths trying to take these cities on the ground when
we should bomb the hell out of them. Bush is fighting a kinder gentler war
against the terrorists which we will never win. We need to use terrorism
against the terrorists and get down and dirty with the Islamists or we might
as well give up and convert to Islam.
2004-09-30 19:39:06 UTC
You dont't have to convert to the Islam. You simply have le leave Iraq....
You have no business there !!
And ! you'll never win this war !!
Post by James Briggs
Rolling Thunder
If there are to be elections in Iraq the US is going to have to take back
the cities that the liberal panty waist Bush gave back to our enemies.
Post by James Briggs
we all know that the morons running the war are going to send lots of
American boys to their deaths trying to take these cities on the ground when
we should bomb the hell out of them. Bush is fighting a kinder gentler war
against the terrorists which we will never win. We need to use terrorism
against the terrorists and get down and dirty with the Islamists or we might
as well give up and convert to Islam.